Devlog #1 ENG

Hi there!
We're a small team of 4 game designers based in HSE Art and Design school.

In our second school year we’re developing an action adventure game inspired by the Tlingit’s masks. Now we’re making the first prototype.

Here what’s already been done in Unreal Engine 4 and what’s in the process!


Done: Game Design Document with the world description
Done: Kaya-Kwang's abilities and masks
Done: basic AI's behaviour

In progress: Bosses' behaviour
In progress: Level Design of the first location


Done: Color Palette
Done: Main character and her weapon

In progress: Enemies concept art and sketches

In progress: Run and attack animations

Unreal Engine 4

Done: Main Menu sample (texture's quality, fps, start and quit)
Done: Camera view
Done: Mouse cursor as a part of the spasial interface

Done: Ability to throw a burr

Done: Ability to make ice spikes

Done: Ability to dash with the air

In progress: Rolling
In progress: A series of attacks on 3 clicks
In progress: Health and damage system
In progress: Some attacks for the first boss

Get Kaya-Kwang

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